EST clones were generated in the laboratories of Steve Tanksley, Greg Martin, Leon Kochian and Jim Giovannoni under NSF Plant Genome Grant IBN-9604115 (S. Tanksley, PI). Single pass 5' sequencing was performed by TIGR (Maryland, USA) with support from the NSF Plant Genome program.

EST clones were then re-arrayed from the original collection to yield the sub-collection used for creation of microarrays. These clones were re-sequenced by Genoscope (Paris, France) with support from INRA (France) from both the 5' and 3' ends.

In some instances 5', 3' or neither sequence is available from Genoscope, indicating failed sequencing reactions.

Discrepancies in 5' and 3' Genoscope annotation may result from true variation in sequence homology in the 5' and 3' ends of genes (e-values may be helpful in assessing this possibility), errors in tracking during large scale sequencing, or chimeric clones. Clones of interest and for which annotation discrepancies exist can be requested from BTI and sequenced for verification.