Boyce Thompson Institute
Tower Road
Ithaca, New York
Phone: (607)254-1234


Boyce Thompson Institute
Tomato Molecular Resource Distribution Center
Tower Road
Ithaca, New York 14853
Phone: (607)254-1252
Fax: (607)254-2958
Remit to:
Boyce Thompson Institute
ATTN: Accounts Receivable
Tower Road
Ithaca, New York 14853
Please Ref Invoice # on check

Bill To:
Nobuo Sugiyama
Lab. of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agricultural & Life Sciences, 1-1-1 Yayoi
University of Tokyo
Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan
Phone: +81 3 5841 5046
Fax: +81 3 5841 5046
Email address:
Requested by: Takeshi Kurokura

Invoice #:   R33Q1183-364
Invoice Date: March 08, 2010
Terms:   Due upon receipt
Tax ID #: 13-1739923
Internal Reference #:

QtyDescription Unit PriceTotal
33 cLED-4-H6 cLEG-47-L24 cLEI-16-B19 cLEL-26-G10 cLEN-18-N18 cLER-1-L13 cLET-1-N9 cLEZ-16-P18 cLHT-12-E3 cTOA-22-F18 cTOA-29-A8 cTOB-11-J11 cTOB-14-J21 cTOB-1-G23 cTOB-28-N10 cTOC-18-H24 cTOC-25-M24 cTOD-17-K13 cTOF-24-J14 cTOF-26-L11 cTOF-27-H19 cTOF-30-E11 cTOF-4-C13 cTOS-16-L1 cTOS-23-A14 cTOS-8-O12 TUS-19-P19 TUS-1-L12 TUS-20-J19 TUS-30-O21 TUS-32-B18 TUS-34-I16 TUS-38-J18 $   5.00 $   165.00
Sub Total $   165.00
Set Up Fee $   20.00
Shipping & Handling $   12.00
TOTAL $   197.00

Please forward this invoice to your lab PI or accounts payable personnel

Joanne Carruthers, Grants Coordinator
For Office Use Only