Boyce Thompson Institute
Tower Road
Ithaca, New York
Phone: (607)254-1234


Boyce Thompson Institute
Tomato Molecular Resource Distribution Center
Tower Road
Ithaca, New York 14853
Phone: (607)254-1252
Fax: (607)254-2958
Remit to:
Boyce Thompson Institute
ATTN: Accounts Receivable
Tower Road
Ithaca, New York 14853
Please Ref Invoice # on check

Bill To:
Toru Nakayama
Aoba 6-6-11-616, Aramaki, Aoba-ku
Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Sendai, Miyagi 980-8579, Japan
Phone: +81-22-795-7272
Fax: +81-22-795-7271
Email address:
Requested by: Seiji Takahashi

Invoice #:   R33Q1183-520
Invoice Date: May 07, 2012
Terms:   Due upon receipt
Tax ID #: 13-1739923
Internal Reference #:

QtyDescription Unit PriceTotal
6 cLHT-12-J24 cTOA-30-E16 cLHT-31-M21 cTOC-21-O21 cLEB-1-P8 cTOB-24-P17 $   5.00 $   30.00
Sub Total $   30.00
Set Up Fee $   20.00
Shipping & Handling $   12.00
TOTAL $   62.00

Please forward this invoice to your lab PI or accounts payable personnel

Joanne Carruthers, Grants Coordinator
For Office Use Only