Hybridizing Cy-labeled cDNA Targets to the TOM1 Microarray

Modified by Rob Alba on 10/10/05

What follows is the protocol I use for pre-hybridization, hybridization, washes, and subsequent scanning of our TOM1 microarrays. The pre-hybridization and wash protocols derive from the lab of John Quackenbush at TIGR ( http://atarrays.tigr.org/PDF/Probehyb.pdf), with a few modifications.

Reagents/Materials Required

  1. Pre-Hyb Soln, (5X SSC, 0.1% SDS, 1% BSA)
    1. Filter pre-hyb solution using a 0.2µm SFCA filter unit
  2. Wash Soln #1 (1X SSC, 0.2% SDS; pre-heat to 43oC)
    1. Filter wash solution using a 0.2µm SFCA filter unit
  3. Wash Soln #2 (0.1X SSC, 0.2% SDS; room temperature)
    1. Filter wash solution using a 0.2µm SFCA filter unit
  4. Wash Soln #3 (0.1X SSC; room temperature)
    1. Filter wash solution using a 0.2µm SFCA filter unit
  5. Microarray Hyb Soln (I prep 100 µl per array hybridization)
    1. Livesey Hyb Soln (50µl de-ionized formamide, 25µl 20X SSC, 10µl 50x Denhardt's soln, 5µl 10% SDS, 2.5 µl 0.2M monobasic K-phosphate, 7.5 µl sterile Milli-Q® H20)
    2. NCSU Hyb Soln (33 µl Milli-Q® H2O, 30 µl de-ionized formamide, 25 µl 20x SSC, 10 µl 50x Denhardt's, 1 µl 10 µg/ µl PolyA RNA, 1 µl 10% SDS).
  6. Isopropyl alcohol
  7. 0.1% SDS
  8. Milli-Q® H20
  9. Coplin staining jars
  10. LifterSlipsTM (Erie Scientific Co.; catalog #22X50I-2-4711)
  11. 50mL FalconTM tubes (place the cap from a 14mL FalconTM culture tube at the bottom of each 50mL FalconTM tube to elevate the arrays during centrifugation)
  12. Corning Hybridization Chambers (catalog #2551)
Pre-hybridization/Blocking the Arrays
  1. Pre-heat ~60mL of the filtered Pre-Hyb Soln to 43oC.
  2. Incubate arrays in warm Pre-Hyb Soln for 45min.
  3. Rinse the "blocked" arrays via 10 dips in Milli-Q® H20, followed by 10 dips in isopropyl alcohol, followed by 10 dips in fresh Milli-Q® H20.
  4. Quickly dry the rinsed arrays by centrifugation (30 sec; 1500 rpm) in a 50mL FalconTM tube.
    1. Do not let arrays dry out prior to centrifugation.
    2. Excessive centrifugal force will crack array slides.
    3. Use arrays immediately after pre-hybridization.
  5. During the pre-hyb step, wash and rinse a sufficient number of LifterSlipsTM.
    1. 5-10 dips in Milli-Q® H2O.
    2. 5-10 dips in EtOH.
    3. Dry the clean LifterSlipsTM on lint-free a Kimwipe®.
Preparation of Cy-Labeled cDNA Targets
  1. Conduct a spec assay to asses each Cy-cDNA labeling reaction using the procedure described in TIGR's SOP #M004 (http://pga.tigr.org/sop/M004_1a.pdf). Calculate the total pmol of synthesized cDNA, the total pmol of incorporated Cy dye for each labeling reaction, and the nucleotide/dye ratio for each reaction. Optimal labeling reactions generate >6000 pmols of cDNA (per 60 µl), >200 pmol of Cy dye (per 60 µl), and a nucleotide/dye ratio that is <30.
  2. For each Cy-labeled cDNA, calculate the volume of Cy5-cDNA and Cy3-cDNA equivalent to 25-50pmol of incorporated Cy5 or 25-50pmol of incorporated Cy3.
  3. Combine the volumes calculated in step 2 in a microfuge tube and minimize the volume using a roto-evaporator (45oC).
    1. Avoid drying the Cy-cDNA samples completely.
  4. Re-suspend the combined cDNA targets in 75 µl of Hyb Soln.
  5. Incubate the re-suspended cDNA targets at 95oC for 5min
  6. Centrifuge at max speed for 1 minute (room temperature).
  7. Place "blocked" array in a Corning Hybridization Chamber; fill humidity wells as per the manufacturer's instructions.
  8. Carefully pipette 63 µl of re-suspended cDNA targets onto array surface; ensure that no bubbles are present.
  9. Carefully cover the "loaded" array with a clean dry LifterSlipTM.
  10. Seal the array chamber (without moving the LifterSlipTM) as per the manufacturer's instructions.
  11. Incubate the sealed chamber containing array at 43oC for 12-16 hours.
    1. Conduct the hybridization in the dark.
Washing Arrays after Hybridization
  1. Fill two foil-covered Coplin jars with pre-heated Wash Soln #1.
  2. Remove the LifterSlipTM from the array surface by dipping arrays in the first Coplin jar containing Wash Soln #1; the LifterSlipTM should slide off the array easily.
  3. Place the array in the second Coplin jar containing pre-heated Wash Soln #1.
  4. Incubate arrays in Wash Soln #1 for 10 minutes at 43oC.
  5. Transfer arrays to a new foil-covered Coplin jar containing Wash Soln #2.
  6. Incubate arrays in Wash Soln #2 for 10 minutes at room temperature
    1. Agitate arrays gently during wash step.
  7. Transfer arrays to a new foil-covered Coplin jar containing Wash Soln #3.
  8. Incubate arrays in Wash Soln #3 for 10 minutes at room temperature
    1. Agitate arrays gently during wash step.
  9. Immediately dry the washed arrays via gentle centrifugation in a 50mL FalconTM tube
    1. Do not let the arrays dry out prior to the centrifugation step.
    2. 30 sec at 1500 rpm
  10. Place arrays in foil-covered slide tray until scanning.
Scanning Arrays
We scan our arrays immediately after they are washed/dried using a two-channel confocal microarray scanner (ScanArray5000; GSI Lumonics, MA) and the associated ScanArray software (v3.1, Packard BioChip Technologies, MA). After laser focusing and balancing of the two channels, scans are conducted at a resolution of 10 µm with the laser power set at 90% of maximum and the photomultiplier tube typically set at 60-85% of maximum. Excitation/emission settings are 543 nm/570 nm and 633 nm/670 nm for the Cy3 and Cy5 fluors, respectively. Raw fluorescence image data is saved as .tif files, which are converted to numerical signal data (.txt files) using ImaGene software (v4.2, BioDiscovery Inc., CA).