Expression of 1-1-
Experiment: Wild type tomato fruit development (set 1)
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
17DAP/7DAP | 1.20016 | 0.656 |
27DAP/17DAP | 0.50005 | 0.035 |
39DAP/27DAP | 0.62432 | 0.338 |
41DAP/39DAP | 0.50582 | 0.041 |
42DAP/41DAP | 0.5354 | 0.262 |
43DAP/42DAP | 1.4431 | 0.249 |
47DAP/43DAP | 0.26072 | 0.04 |
52DAP/47DAP | 0.77639 | 0.515 |
57DAP/52DAP | 0.83639 | 0.827 |
Experiment: Wild type tomato fruit development (set 2)
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
7DAP/reference | 1.30866 | 0.033 |
17DAP/reference | 0.91601 | 0.393 |
27DAP/reference | 0.89949 | 0.471 |
39DAP/reference | 0.72751 | 0.114 |
41DAP/reference | 0.4218 | 0.01 |
42DAP/reference | 0.67195 | 0.003 |
43DAP/reference | 0.45949 | 0.021 |
47DAP/reference | 0.34446 | 0.001 |
52DAP/reference | 0.3834 | 0.022 |
57DAP/reference | 0.56691 | 0.009 |
Experiment: tomato Never-ripe mutant fruit development
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
17DAP/7DAP | 1.86942 | 0.036 |
27DAP/17DAP | 0.81557 | 0.39 |
39DAP/27DAP | 0.29945 | 0.028 |
41DAP/39DAP | 1.36005 | 0.641 |
42DAP/41DAP | 1.01963 | 0.819 |
43DAP/42DAP | 0.36611 | 0.02 |
47DAP/43DAP | 0.65041 | 0.009 |
52DAP/47DAP | 0.73558 | 0.103 |
57DAP/52DAP | 0.84684 | 0.342 |
57DAP/7DAP | 0.07949 | 0.159 |
Experiment: tomato rin mutant fruit development
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
7DAP/reference | 2.02362 | 0.024 |
17DAP/reference | 1.31342 | 0.011 |
27DAP/reference | 0.80963 | 0.051 |
39DAP/reference | 0.86032 | 0.23 |
41DAP/reference | 0.47292 | 0.01 |
42DAP/reference | 0.39134 | 0.01 |
43DAP/reference | 0.41566 | 0.011 |
47DAP/reference | 0.30438 | 0.027 |
52DAP/reference | 0.55839 | 0.013 |
57DAP/reference | 0.71132 | 0.028 |
Experiment: tomato nor mutant fruit development
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
7DAP/reference | 0.97243 | 0.623 |
17DAP/reference | 0.97601 | 0.499 |
27DAP/reference | 1.05553 | 1 |
39DAP/reference | 0.66734 | 0.02 |
41DAP/reference | 0.73069 | 0.042 |
42DAP/reference | 0.55254 | 0.011 |
43DAP/reference | 0.23637 | 0.002 |
47DAP/reference | 0.28965 | 0.01 |
52DAP/reference | 0.40238 | 0.003 |
57DAP/reference | 0.18317 | 0.002 |
Experiment: tomato hp1 mutant fruit development
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
7DAP/reference | 4.21342 | 0.015 |
17DAP/reference | 3.15838 | 0.11 |
27DAP/reference | 2.79049 | 0.014 |
39DAP/reference | 2.24809 | 0.007 |
41DAP/reference | 1.4854 | 0.014 |
42DAP/reference | 1.07627 | 1 |
43DAP/reference | 1.13281 | 0.362 |
47DAP/reference | 0.53922 | 0.008 |
52DAP/reference | 0.5434 | 0.101 |
57DAP/reference | 2.37851 | 0.012 |
Experiment: Wild type pepper fruit development
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
20DAP/14DAP | 0.94559 | 1 |
26DAP/20DAP | 0.84573 | 0.512 |
34DAP/26DAP | 0.89588 | 0.682 |
51DAP/34DAP | 0.65794 | |
52DAP/51DAP | 0.87593 | 1 |
53DAP/52DAP | 0.74894 | 0.159 |
55DAP/53DAP | 0.94841 | 0.876 |
57DAP/55DAP | 0.93566 | 0.677 |
62DAP/57DAP | 1.14569 | 0.935 |
68DAP/62DAP | 1.53731 | 0.557 |
68DAP/14DAP | 0.77915 | 1 |
Experiment: Tomato (breaker-stage) vs. Pepper (breaker-stage)
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
Tomato Breaker/Pepper Breaker | 2.14323 | 0.099 |
Experiment: Solanaceae fruit comparison
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
Green Pepper/Ripe Pepper | 3.50659 | 0.058 |
Mature Green Tomato/Ripe Tomato | 30.5758 | 0.015 |
Immature Eggplant/Mature Eggplant | 0.59425 | 0.063 |
Ripe Pepper/Ripe Tomato | 34.741 | 1 |
Mature Eggplant/Ripe Tomato | 21.3454 | 0.26 |
Experiment: IL carotenoid
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
11-1/M82 | N/A | N/A |
1-1-2/M82 | N/A | N/A |
12-2/M82 | N/A | N/A |
12-4/M82 | N/A | N/A |
1-3/M82 | N/A | N/A |
2-1-1/M82 | N/A | N/A |
2-1/M82 | N/A | N/A |
2-6/M82 | N/A | N/A |
3-2/M82 | N/A | N/A |
4-1-1/M82 | N/A | N/A |
4-1/M82 | N/A | N/A |
4-3-2/M82 | N/A | N/A |
4-3/M82 | N/A | N/A |
5-3/M82 | 2.54187 | 0.572 |
6-2/M82 | N/A | N/A |
6-3/M82 | N/A | N/A |
7-1/M82 | N/A | N/A |
7-2/M82 | N/A | N/A |
9-3-2/M82 | N/A | N/A |
Experiment: Tomato introgression line transcript analysis
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
IL4-4/WTpooled | N/A | N/A |
IL2-6/WTpooled | N/A | N/A |
IL7-5/WTpooled | N/A | N/A |
IL7-3/WTpooled | 0.87471 | 1 |
IL12-4/WTpooled | 0.84115 | 0.566 |
IL1-4/WTpooled | 1.04319 | 1 |
WT/WTpooled | 1.03687 | 1 |
Experiment: Transcriptional changes determined by expression of the Xanthomonas AvrRxv effector in resistant tomato plants
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
10 h post inoculation | 1.01891 | 1 |
Experiment: Time course of DC3000 vs delta hrp on tomato Prf-3
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
DC3000/delat hrp 0h | 0.91705 | 1 |
DC3000/delta hrp 6h | 1.12069 | 1 |
DC3000/delta hrp 12h | 1.20147 | 1 |
DC3000/delta hrp 24h | 0.97711 | 0.887 |
Experiment: DC3000 effector mutants
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
DC3000 delta A/DC3000 delta AB | 0.96903 | 0.597 |
DC3000 delta B/DC3000 delta AB | 0.77483 | 0.236 |
Experiment: Matt's wild cherry tomato vs. Phytophthora infestans
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
Exp 12h | 1.00799 | 1 |
Exp 36h | 0.93231 | 0.82 |
Exp 60h | 0.98795 | 0.994 |
Experiment: Gene expression profiling of infection of tomato by Phytophthora infestans in the field
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
self-self | 1.00585 | 1 |
Var 0h | 1.17704 | 0.98 |
Var 12h I row2-row1 | 1.0562 | 0.654 |
Var 12h NI row2-row1 | 1.00115 | 1 |
Var 36h I row2-row1 | 0.82984 | 1 |
Var 36h NI row2-row1 | 0.95527 | 0.743 |
Var 60h I row2-row1 | 1.26251 | 0.562 |
Var 60h NI row2-row1 | 0.985 | 1 |
Time course 0hI-0hNI | 1.02337 | 0.867 |
Time course 12hI-12hNI | 1.00621 | 0.854 |
Time course 36hI-36hNI | 1.04762 | 0.28 |
Time course 60hI-60hNI | 0.6548 | 0.047 |
Experiment: Transcriptional profiling of the tomato fruit pericarp tissue: fruits overexpressing yeast ySAMdc gene and controls
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
transgenic ySAMdc/azygous control (mature green) | 1.27724 | 0.541 |
transgenic ySAMdc/azygous control (breaker) | 4.28622 | 0.162 |
transgenic ySAMdc/azygous control (red) | 1.29025 | 0.92 |
Experiment: Tomato root culture and Al treatment
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
Al-treated/control | 0.59264 | 0.107 |
Experiment: Microarray Analysis on Salt Stress Affected Genes in Tomato Seedlings
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
salt-treated/no salt | 1.03036 | 1 |
Experiment: Transcriptional Profiling of high pigment-2dg Tomato Mutant Fruit
hybridization | ratio | FDR (corrected p value) |
Manapal/WT (mature green) | 6.77271 | 0.083 |
Manapal/WT (break) | 10.3605 | 0.14 |
Manapal/WT (red) | 10.2573 | 0.133 |