Metabolite content in 7-5-5 fruit at stage of red ripe
Experiment: nutrition related metabolite profiling in S. pennellii IL lines (NY, Summer 2001, Field)

metabolitecontentrelative level (percent of control)
oxygen radical absorbance capacity3.65 + 1.12 (mcM Trolox equivalent/gfw)48
beta carotene1.57 + 0.2 (ug/gfw)68.9
phytoene15.92 + 2.9 (ug/gfw)68.9
320nm phenolics124.57 + 9.31 (ug/gfw)73.7
360nm phenolics141.75 + 2.67 (ug/gfw)74.1
delta tocopherol0.41 + 0.198 (mg/gfw)75.9
280nm phenolics136.19 + 10.42 (ug/gfw)79.3
phytofluene23.59 + 3.23 (ug/gfw)86.4
total ascorbate70.55 + 15.62 (mg/100gfw)123.3
total phenolics900.55 + 38.54 (ug/gfw)124.9
trans-lycopene70.82 + 8.91 (ug/gfw)150.3
gamma tocopherol4.75 + 1.768 (mg/gfw)175.9
reduced ascorbate34.99 + 3.19 (mg/100gfw)188.1
total tocopherol19.15 + 5.445 (mg/gfw)189.6
alpha tocopherol13.95 + 3.465 (mg/gfw)203.6